Episode 211: Think Cosmically, Act Locally

In this second episode of a special two-part COP27 podcast, Christine discusses how to apply a “bigger picture” perspective to the devastation of climate change with guest Sandra Boatman. Sandra is a skilled energy intuitive who embodies Divine Feminine ways of knowing and healing. Tune in for a conversation that ranges from practical energetic ways of releasing trapped emotions, and why that is important, to the planetary influences at this important time.

Recurring segments include:

  • Good news stories
  • One action tip to for you to create change
  • A weekly sanity tip to keep you calm(er) in the face of climate overwhelm


Climate Cafes lead by Christine are a place to share your feelings about climate change and other concerns in a supportive circle, and have the opportunity to shift them using energy techniques. Click here to sign up for notification and zoom links.

Planetary Influences: Mars retrograde from October 30th, 2022 to January 12th, 2023. “Because this Mars retrograde is in Gemini, it will be well-spent deconstructing the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas that inflame our overheated world.” Chani Nicholas

Connect with Sandra Boatman on Facebook in the The Ripple Effect community.

Video: Barry Manilow’s “One Voice”

Action Step: Set an intention to pay attention to the emotions that come up for you as you go through the day. When strong emotions arise, consider them an invitation to stop and take three deep breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth as if through a straw. If you like, you can find a compassionate story for them that will allow you to forgive them.

Sanity Tip: Consider this week’s action step as a sanity step as well. You can provide additional emotional support for yourself by doing an energetic “heart massage”. With one hand on your heart/chest area, move it down to the left and up on the right side in a clockwise motion (if you are the clock). Repeat out loud or quietly “I love and accept myself and all of my feelings about everything” as often as you like.